
Custom-made pre-financed social products and services

Imagine a company that provides better living and environmental conditions to its target group(s) as well as to its employees (whatever its size and revenue is). And imagine that its performance (social and environmental) will be evaluated by its customers and its employees. Let's force our imagination and say that this evaluation will be published online and will be freely accessible by anyone.

Well here I propose a system that I call 'custom-made, pre-financed social goods and services'. It is purely well being oriented of the consumers, employees and the environment.

The criteria will be basic for the companies. For example if people (including the customers + the employees) that I propose my products or that my services are healthier and happier with what the company does, then I'm on the good track. And if the environment where I produce my products or my services is replenishing or getting better then I'm on the right track.

The question is by doing good things with good intentions we can maybe get some sympathy but we cannot guarantee any sales!

How about A to Z construction of these products and services by mass consumer demands (the demands will be restricted by certain health, environmental, humanitarian and social criteria)?

Imagine a system where people can make their own mix by using a global database of social entrepreneurships, organic, recyclable, renewable, environmentally friendly, fairly traded ingredients or inputs let's say, and fair labor, anything needed to create products and services needed. No advertisements, no manipulations!

What if we collect minimum prepaid units of product/service orders. The companies will not need to use push-sales strategies, or allocate extra budget for stocking, or boost exaggeration and gimmicks and other psyhological and financial tools to sell. The companies/organizations will purely focus on the well being of their customers+employees and the environment. Well, logically I do believe that healthy, happy and well educated people in a healthy environment would tend to generate better things and inherit a better world to their successors. Don't you think so?

Ex: I like eating plain yoghurt and I consume it regularly. I usually eat at least 750 grams per week. I do my gocery shopping once in every two weeks. I'd like to see everything about the ingredients and production of this yoghurt. It does not have to be printed and come along with the actual product. A unique code attached to my receipt which can serve as an access code to all the information about this product online is enough. I have my own pots, so I can refill and I do not need any packaging (Why not having self-service stations for our dairy products to eliminate packaging?). I like the taste of company A's plain yoghurts (which has good social and environmental values that they practice every day). So I order and prepay the equivalent amount of my two weeks plain yoghurt consumption from company A. If let's say one million (I'm making up the number) people like me can guarantee the same thing the company has nothing else to do but focus on the quality of the product that they produce and the well being of their customers+employees and the environment.

This approach becomes a little more complicated when it comes to other types of products/services like; clothing, decoration, travel etc., where personal preferences take the lead and where in some cases the nature of such purchasing decisions are impulsive.

What if we adopt a similar production and consumption chain for such type of products and services as well? Think about it!