
About me

Hi, this is Simsek Sayan. I was born in 1976 in Adana, Turkey. Got my B.S. degree in International Marketing at Marmara University and my M.B.A. at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Worked for small, medium size and international companies in Turkey and in the United States. I currently live in Paris, France.

I founded Artéquité in late 2007, an importer and a distributor of hand-made products.

This blog is to share my professional and personal interests and exchange ideas with visitors. So we’re basically going to talk about:

Originality, world handicrafts, art, creativity, beauty in simplicity, design, hand-made objects, ethical fashion, inspiration sources of artists, fair trade, sustainable development, ethical business applications, anti-poverty movements, current and potential anti-poverty projects, transformation of conventional business models into ethical win-win business models, transformation of traditional know-how into modern daily products, ideas and projects about preservation of local natural sources and know-how, world food, recipes and tips from world cuisine, ideas to find alternative ways to consume organic food products at affordable prices, concrete ideas and projects to convince multi-national companies allocate majority of their sources to be used for ethical business, developing ethical products from A to Z (environmentally responsible input sources + fair labor + fair salary + healthy working conditions ‘both physical and psychological’ + fair management + environmentally responsible processing + minimum packaging (preferably reusable ones and of course no packaging if possible) + waste as less as possible ‘Zero waste’ ideal + reinvestment into the natural and labor sources used + recycling and alternative re-use of waste + fair profit for the producer + affordable final pricing for the consumer = HUMANE & ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE PRODUCTS-SERVICES.